To the Kingdom-Minded Believer Who Wants to Fund Your Life Mission and
Make Your Greatest Impact:

in 10 YEARS OR LESS! matter your age, income or experience.”

If you are done with the struggles, fear, prosperity gimmicks, and overwhelm that stop you
cold every time you think about improving your finances…

…Then it’s time for YOU to become a Kingdom Wealth Builder!



I was working one full time job and 3 part-time jobs…and then I got laid off of all 4 jobs… 

Then I took Jim’s class... I’ve learned so much that I’ve paid off 3 of my debts, I’ve become more spiritually connected, I’ve met friends from all over the world. It has been such a blessing to me. After the Level 1 program, I am retiring and starting a business!”

- Chanda Baker


“God has shifted things in my spirit, my beliefs and breakthrough in our finances… During this course my husband gave his heart to the Lord!

- Melanie Martinez


“I can’t recommend highly enough Jim Baker’s course. Jim does a fantastic job of synthesizing all of the true, honest and pure teaching on prosperity, so it gets inside your heart. For me, it was understanding the God is my Source. After Wealth with God, He is blessing us. We have peace and are seeing financial blessings roll in faster than they have in the past.

- Geoff Neupert

When You Join You’ll Get
Instant Access To…

Lifetime Access to the
Wealth with God Masterclass 

You'll receive the most complete, proven training about Kingdom wealth building to equip you step-by-step for achieving complete financial freedom for outrageous generosity in 10 years or less.

The 9 video learning modules include audio and PDF transcript versions of the lessons so you can learn in whatever mode is best for you.

(Value = $4,997)

Action Guides

Go from information to transformation,

Be a "doer" and not just a "hearer"

Implement each weekly lesson with its own action guide to start making it work in your life today!

(Value = $197)

Live Group Mentoring With Jim Baker

Jim answers your questions live each week to provide personalized attention so you never feel lost.

(Value = $997)

Weekly Kingdom Wealth Builder Coaching

From the very first week, you’ll receive the support, encouragement and feedback from a certified transformation coach, so you never have to struggle to figure it out by yourself.

(Value = $997)

Private Kingdom Wealth Builders Coaching Community Group

You’ll get access to our private Facebook Group where you can network with other Kingdom Wealth Builders, get any questions answered by us and by this community, receive encouragement, share testimonies and struggles, and pray for each other.

(Value = $497)

Recorded Mentoring Calls

This is where students just like you discuss the material from each lesson. Students tell me these recordings are as valuable, if not more valuable, than the lessons themselves because they create a complete learning experience.

(Value = $997)

Find $1000 In A Week Challenge

What if you could keep more of your money without struggle or sacrifice? In this 7-day challenge, the average person saved $1330 without selling anything. (You know that would pay for the entire course right there?)

(Value = $497)

How to Own Your Home in 10 Years or Less…Without Making Any Extra Payments 

Imagine all of the interest you will save on mortgage payments as well as the money you can now put towards investing since you just saved yourself an extra 20 years of mortgage payments.

(Value = $497)

Kingdom Business Startup: Zero to Cash Flow

In this hands-on workshop, you’ll learn how to get paying customers without first building a product. (Read that sentence again).

(Value = $197)



Never worry about money again as you
experience God as your Provider.

Inside Level 1, You Will:

  • Break fear off of your money and align your finances with God!
  • Experience God as Provider. Pause for a moment and ask yourself what your life would be like if you never worried about money again.
  • Walk out of poverty, fear and lack and step into God’s story defined by prosperity, hope and abundance.
  • ​Learn how to attract wealth instead of pursuing it so you are free to pursue vision instead of provision.
  • ​Remove the number one roadblock that keeps believers from prospering.
  • ​Discover the joy of giving and the reward of receiving.


Increase your cash flow by 10% without
deprivation or scarcity…in 90 days.

In Level 2, You Will:

  • Run your personal finances like a Kingdom business through organizing and automating
  • ​Eliminate debt with the fastest path and see what it looks like to have God involved in this process.
  • ​Identify and solve the root causes of debt, rather than just hacking at the byproducts (interest and bondage)
  • ​Never have to budget again by using the “un-budget budget” (this is worth the price of the course alone!!). Can somebody say, “Freeeeedommm!”
  • ​Think and behave like an investor, not a consumer.


Turn your personal finances into a cash flow machine
& shave 30 years off of your retirement plan!

In Level 3, You Will:

  • Understand at a deep level how the wealth building process actually works in the Kingdom, so you are no longer dependent on others to do the investing for you. No more giving a man a fish; you will know how to fish.
  • Keep more of the wealth you’ve built. It’s not how much money you make, it’s how much you keep.  
  • Become an expert at risk management in your investments so you can make more by losing less. 
  • Work less, make more and overcome obstacles that limit your success.
  • Reverse engineer your plan into actionable steps. Now you will have signposts to measure your progress and accountability—so that your wealth becomes a matter of “when” and not “if.”

Here's what other leaders are saying..

"When Jim Baker speaks, I listen…You cannot help but profit from hearing what he has to say. I always do."

- Lance Wallnau
Strategist, Futurist & Best-Selling Author

"There was so much substance and a true impartation of faith." 

- Dr. Patricia King
Prophetic Minister, Entrepreneur & Spiritual Mentor

"His powerful teachings on wealth with God, when applied, will significantly increase your capacity to experience more of the abundant life Jesus Christ offers.”

- Shae Bynes
Founder & Chief Fire Igniter, Kingdom Driven Entrepreneur

"I don’t know anyone who teaches Kingdom Finances with such clarity, authority and integrity.”

- Matt Tommey
Prophetic Artist Mentor & Equipper

From: James Baker, Pastor and Founder of Wealth with God

I get it. The “money thing” can be frustrating. I’ve been a pastor and traveling speaker for 25 years and here is what I see: many Christians who genuinely love God struggle with money.

They want to be more generous…

They want to create better memories with their family…

They want to be out of debt…

 Here’s what I know:

Christians who want to have more money for more impact face two major obstacles…

These 2 obstacles always keep their vision just out of reach.

What are the two obstacles?

Well, before I tell you, let me show you the kinds of statements I hear from Christians all of the time.

Which of these can you relate to?

“I’m so tired of living paycheck to paycheck.”

“There has to be more to Kingdom finances than just tithes and offerings”

“I don’t even know where to begin.”

“I don’t know how or what to invest in…and I’m afraid of losing money.”

“I’m starting too late.”

“It feels like nothing will ever change in my finances.”

“I feel like I should be farther along…”

“I’m not providing for my family the way I want to…”

“I don’t know if I’ll ever get out of debt. I feel like a slave to it.”

“I feel like I am living in survival mode. It’s hard to even dream about more.”

“I wish my spouse could stay home with the kids, but they have to work.”

“I’m afraid I won’t have enough in retirement.”

If you are like most of my students before they start working with me, then you have already been thinking some of these thoughts to yourself.

So, why do so many Christians struggle with money?

 I’m so glad you asked…

I see 2 main reasons:



Go ahead and finish the sentence, “My people perish for a lack of…”






Not it either.

God said, “My people perish for a lack of knowledge” (Hosea 4:6).

Go back and look at all of those statements above Christians make about money. What is the root cause? Lack of knowledge.

It is either a lack of knowledge about God—what He is really like and who He actually wants to be for you.
(He is better than you think…so let’s change the way you think!)

Or it is a lack of knowledge about money—how it actually works in the Kingdom of God and on earth.

What 95% of Us Were Never Taught

If you’re like most Christians, you weren’t taught in church about money beyond tithes and offerings.

Listen: You cannot build wealth through tithes and offerings alone, but you will not build wealth with God without generosity.

Your family probably taught you to go to school, get a good job, and work hard for your money…but you weren’t taught how to have your money work for you.

As important as money is in our daily lives, most Christians have not taken their financial learning seriously.

Kingdom Wealth Builders, however, are different.

For them, money is just another way to be intimate with Jesus.

We don’t love money; we serve God with our money. We turn our dollars into soldiers to accomplish Kingdom purposes.

We seek vision, not provision.

The difference between financial mediocrity and financial abundance is financial knowledge.

It is having the knowledge and the wisdom of what to do…with God.

But financial knowledge isn’t enough. There is another reason that keeps Christians stuck…

When It Comes to Money, There Are Two Paths…

The path of earned income or

The path of passive income.

In other words, you can work for money or money can work for you.

On one path you get paid only for what you do; on the other you get paid no matter what you do.

At the end of this path is a place of provision for your vision where you have enough money working for you…

…so that you no longer have to work for money…

Income from Investments > Living Expenses

Where the income from your investments is greater than your living expenses…so you don’t have to ask money for permission to obey God or do what’s in your heart.

But that kind of passive income doesn’t happen by accident.

You first have to get the financial knowledge…

 But there is something else you need…


It’s been said that if you don’t know where you’re going, any path will get you there.

Interestingly, the opposite is equally true: If you know where you’re going, there is a best path for getting there.

Your fastest path to passive income comes from designing your own personalized Wealth M.A.P. (Massive Action Plan).

The goal of your Wealth M.A.P. is to get you on the positive, life-changing path to passive income in the shortest time possible.

Clarity + Action > Fuzzy

Your Wealth M.A.P. is kind of like a road map to drive you where you want to go.

It is kind of like a custom financial blueprint to build your financial house.

It makes your financial goals totally real. No more doubt. You will see if you do X, then you will get Y.

It becomes the bridge between where you are today and God’s provision for your vision

This isn’t some cookie-cutter, generic plan like you’d get from a financial advisor. Those don’t produce reliable results.

Your wealth plan must be custom fitted to your life, calling, gifts, skills, and resources.

There are many ways to achieve wealth,

but only one path that will uniquely fit you.

Your personalized Wealth M.A.P. is like your Kingdom Wealth Building Game Plan that helps you:

Get crystal clear on the exact steps you need to take daily so that wealth becomes a matter of “when” not “if”

“Collapse time” and generate 40 years’ worth of returns in 10 years or less.

Manage risk with every investment so you make more by losing less

Employ the 6 types of leverage so you can get more done with less of your own resources and shave 30 years off of your retirement plan

What if I don’t have a Wealth M.A.P.?

Time Spent Worrying About Money

 You risk lots of frustration and wasted time

You might be pursuing a path that doesn’t fit with God’s design for you

You could get stuck in “Where do I begin?” or “What should I do next?” syndrome

If you’re like most who have read this far, you’re starting to see the possibility of creating the provision for you vision

Imagine what it would be like if…

You never worried about finances again because you could easily trust the Lord to provide for your family’s needs.

You were wealthy on the inside—believing in the fullness of God’s ability to provide the resources, strength and wisdom to create positive outcomes in the midst of lack.

You had the financial intelligence to invest so that your money worked for you, so you no longer have to work for money

Scarcity and deprivation were not a part of your life because you moved from a budget to abundance.

You had clear action steps to take towards your wealth-building daily so that wealth was a matter of “when” not “if.”

Well, you don’t have to “imagine” any longer. Because…it’s here.


  • You break off the self-sabotaging, limiting beliefs around finances and align your money with God.
  • You increase your cash flow by 10-20% without deprivation or scarcity…in 90 days.
  • ​You run your personal finances like a Kingdom business so you can handle the weight of increase
  • ​You get crystal clarity on the exact steps that to take so you can create financial freedom in 10 years or less.
  • ​You’re put on a path to get results – instead of just piling on more learning.
  • ​You shave 30 years off of your retirement plan and learn how to get more done with less of your own resources.

Proven Strategies. Real Life Results. 


“Wealth with God has absolutely been transformation in my life. It is unlike anything you’ve heard before when it comes to Kingdom and godly financial stewardship. I’ve heard and listened to a lot of people, but Jim Baker hits different. The kind of freedom that I have gleaned and felt in my own life has been unprecedented. I am a different person. I look at a dollar bill differently. I look at other people differently. My mission in life has changed, it’s gotten bigger and more exciting. My family’s life has been transformed by his teachings.”

- Miriam McKisic


“This course has changed my life! I can easily count $200,000 in unexplained, unexpected miracles from God in my circumstances.”
Joshua Paletta


“Here you think you are learning about money, which you do, but you also more importantly are learning about the heart of the Father…Just being able to take my family through these same truths is breaking off a lot of the lies we’ve been under.”

- Rebecca Bramblet


“My house burned down under a month ago. In spite of a monstrous loss, the timing of taking Jim’s course was a set up for rock solid peace. This will change your life.”

- Lyn Lasneski

Guarantee #1

Test-Drive The Program for 30 Days

When you enroll, you’ll have 30 days to go through multiple sessions of the Level 1 course, coaching and community inside the program, and if for whatever reason… and I mean ANY reason… if you don’t feel like this was the best investment you’ve made into creating the provision for your vision, simply email us at [email protected] and we’ll gladly refund your purchase price… no questions asked!

Guarantee #2

365 Days to GET RESULTS!

After you pass your initial 30 days of being blown away by learning to Partner with God in your finances, I’ll give you an additional 11 months to put the training into action. If you do not see any positive results from this training, simply show us that you’ve done the work, and if it ain’t working... we’ll refund your purchase price of the course! 
© 2023 Wealth With God™